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Our representatives work hard to obtain, value and serve every clients’ needs to the best of our abilities. If we are aware of our client’s needing more visits at their physical address, we adjust our schedules accordingly. We are also available for appointments at our head office, 52 Reitz Street, Kroonstad.  We have the operational ability to quote and serve clients countrywide.

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Did You Know?

  • Crop insurance in South Africa started in 1929 by a group of farmers in the Eastern Free State.

    Crop insurance in South Africa started in 1929 by a group of farmers in the Eastern Free State.

  • The UN Report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, shows that Africa’s agricultural productivity growth has reduced by 34% since 1961. This is more than any other region.

    The UN Report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, shows that Africa’s agricultural productivity growth has reduced by 34% since 1961. This is more than any other region.

  • In 2022, Grain SA reported that 20% of grain producers in South Africa lost more than 60% of their white maize plantings to water damage.

    In 2022, Grain SA reported that 20% of grain producers in South Africa lost more than 60% of their white maize plantings to water damage.

  • It's estimated that only 30% of South Africa’s R2.5 billion annual crop industry is typically insured.

    It's estimated that only 30% of South Africa’s R2.5 billion annual crop industry is typically insured.